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  • Writer's pictureColette Weston

anxiety tools

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

Some Helps for People That Have Anxiety Hit Them When They Open Their Eyes in the Morning

If you are someone who struggles with anxiety I have a few tips that might help you.

If you wake up in the morning and anxiety hits you before you even get your eyes fully open, do not think about anything you have to do today, anything you should do today or anything at all beyond the very moment you are in.

Immediately pay attention to your breathing and the rise and fall of your belly as it breathes. Put your hands on your belly and feel your breathing.

Remember that the Lord is inside of your every breath.

Say the name of Jesus as you breathe. If you have to go to work or somewhere else, you don’t have to think about it yet. You are not there yet. Don’t put your mind on anything except where you are right at this very second. Thinking about anything beyond this very moment is like taking a big spoonful of poison because that is what it is to you. You are still in bed so keep your head there and focus on your breathing and Jesus inside of you. After you get your head and attention to where you feel more together then you can get up and start to move about your day but don’t start thinking about the day. Keep your head where your feet are.                                          

God gives us grace for the moment and His presence is in this moment.

It is a much more peaceful place to live than to be thinking of where you are going today or tomorrow because you are not there yet. If we can practice staying in the moment in our breathing and not let our heads run away with us, we can get a much better hold on our day and not let anxiety get the better of us. Live in this moment with the Lord. He is the vine and we are the branches. The vine is inside of us. Feed on Him there right now. He is always there for you! 

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